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Light on Yoga – The Bible of Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar

About the book:
Light on Yoga is the definitive work by B.K.S. Iyengar, one of the world’s most respected yoga teachers. In this comprehensive guide, Iyengar introduces the practice of yoga with precision, offering step-by-step photo-illustrated instructions for various yoga routines. The book includes a 300-week development plan, making it accessible for both novices and advanced practitioners. It also covers pranayama (yoga breathing techniques), the philosophy of yoga, and sequences designed to heal specific illnesses and conditions. Widely referred to as the “bible of yoga,” this classic text is essential for serious yoga students worldwide.

Perfect for you:

  • If you are committed to deepening your yoga practice with a step-by-step guide from a world-renowned master.
  • If you want to explore both the physical and spiritual aspects of yoga in one comprehensive book.
  • If you're looking for routines and poses designed to heal and enhance your well-being.

Language: English
Number of pages: 400

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